Whooo-hoooo! See ya kiddies, it’s back to school time!
Or maybe your kids are equally dancing for joy. Good for them! Everyone is happy! Until mommy realizes that she has no more excuses to avoid a power walk, a run, a sweat session at the gym. No more vacations to plan and pack for. No more summer camp getaways that she has to drive to and from all day long leaving zero time for exercise. No more bbq’s and outdoor parties that allow her to mindlessly cheat on her diet since it’s a party and everyone knows it’s almost impossible to hold back at a party! No more potato salads, potato chips, brownies, cupcakes, key lime pies, lightening lemonades, sweet teas and all the likes that show up in May and grudgingly leave in September. Gone, gone, gone.
Bye-bye. See ya next year.
No more excuses, the time has come.
It’s time to make the time to get back into shape and to feel good about yourselves because… here come the holidays!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
I know, I know, no one wants to think about THAT. We’re just getting back into the swing of things, lets take it slow please.
Alright, I’ll backtrack a little.
But not much.
Make the time, put in the effort and by the holidays you’ll have no fear of them. Start planting those little mental seeds that will get you in shape way before the holidays have a chance to rear their ugly heads! You can start by saying, “Exercising makes me feel good,” or “I welcome the time and opportunity to make my body the lean mean fighting machine it was meant to be,” or “I want to feel good about myself, so I will take care of my body with nutritious foods and exercise.”
Any of these will work in helping you to mentally prepare to bring exercise back into your life if it may have fallen by the wayside over the summer. So pick one or make up your own and say it every day until you start getting the most out of your workouts!