Road to College: What to Consider When Making a College Decision

Choosing a college is the culmination of many years of hard work on the part of the student and their families. It’s an achievement symbolizing both one’s identity as a […] Read more »

Selecting a College Major – Where Interests & Skills Intersect

The road to college is a path primarily defined by its destination. While this destination may vary greatly from student to student, the larger objectives of gaining acceptance to a […] Read more »

Road to College: Optimizing the Online Learning Mindset 

For many of us, March marks almost a full year of online learning. While many schools have taken advantage of hybrid models, virtual instruction has largely remained an important but […] Read more »

Making the Most of a Virtual College Visit 

If in-person campus tours will be virtual rather than real for this year’s soon-to-be-rising seniors, how can students get a true sense of the schools of their choice?  Colleges and […] Read more »

The Road to College: ‘Fall’ing in Line with College Planning

On the road to college, being proactive is crucial for students at any point along the journey. Amid uncertainty, this rings particularly true. The fall offers us an optimal time […] Read more »

Road to College: Building an Adaptable Student

Whether it’s universities reversing their original instruction plans, or the daily fluctuations of a hybrid class schedule, today’s students are facing a school year full of constant changes. No matter […] Read more »

Learning Which School District Makes the Grade

Being accepted by the college you most covet begins long before all the lists, visits, essays, and applications.   It starts with your school district, and the choices and opportunities that your student is afforded.   But how […] Read more »

Road to College: Learning to Make the Most of Summer

With summer upon us, parents and students should take time to assess their approach to new learning challenges, including the sudden shift to online learning and the cancellation or modification of standardized tests.   The best way for students to remain on track for the upcoming school year is by […] Read more »

Road to College: Emerging Issues in Education & How Your Student Can Adapt

One year since starting this column, we find ourselves facing much different circumstances. The road to college remains an ever-changing journey, but much remains constant at the core. In maintaining […] Read more »

Getting Schooled During the Crisis

As we navigate this unprecedented time, it can be difficult to know how to proceed with the college process. This is a critical time for students of all grade levels, […] Read more »