Virtual Environmental Candidates Forum for Congressional District 17 Democratic Party Candidates

A coalition of more than a dozen local and regional environmental and social justice groups will press Democratic Party candidates in Congressional District 17 (CD17) for answers on how they plan to address urgent environmental issues facing the district and nation in an Environmental Forum, Friday, August 12, 2022 at 7 p.m., held on ZOOM.

New York State Senator Alessandra Biaggi will attend, and Congress member Sean Patrick Maloney, who is unable to attend, has been invited to send a representative to answer questions and/or submit written answers to important questions.

In addition to the candidates’ environmental legislative record, issues expected to be discussed include: climate change, the “No Fossil Fuel” campaign contributions pledge, legislative solutions to the recent Supreme Court decision about the EPA, the decommissioning of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, the Green New Deal, and renewable energy industries and incentives.

The forum is being co-sponsored by grassroots organizations from Westchester and Rockland Counties: CCoHope Indivisible, CD17 Indivisible, Food and Water Action, Grassroots Environmental Education, Green Yorktown, Healing and Protecting Our Land Together – A Call To Prayer, Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition (IPSEC), Indivisible Westchester, Progressive Women of Westchester, Rockland Coalition to End the New Jim Crow, Rockland Sierra Club, Safe Energy Rights Group (SEnRG), Sierra Club Lower Hudson Group, Stop the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion (SAPE), 350 NJ-Rockland, Westchester Alliance for Sustainable Solutions (WASS), Westchester for Change, United for Clean Energy aka Stony Point Center Convergence, and Westchester Peoples Action Coalition (WESPAC) among others.

The forum will be moderated by local activist Courtney M. Williams, PhD, cofounder of Safe Energy Rights Group (SEnRG).

The event will use CLOSED CAPTIONING on ZOOM. 

WHO: Democratic candidates for Congressional District 17
WHAT: CD17 Democratic Party Candidates Environmental Forum
WHEN: Friday, August 12, 2022, 7 PM

WHERE: ZOOM: Pre-register here:

1 Comment

  1. I find it unfortunate and unfair that the event is scheduled without Sean Patrick Maloney in attendance. It so happens that he will (likely) be in DC that day since that is when the vote on the most important environmental bill in our country’s history is scheduled. This event is an injustice to open-minded voters. If I were on the fence, I would not be swayed by a candidate who doesn’t bother to attend.
    In a year of confusion with multiple primaries and enough difficulty to learn about candidates, this forum provides a grossly unfair, one-sided advantage.
    A green voter in Upper Nyack, NY.

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