A lifelong resident of Tarrytown, Paula Cloutier, has suffered from juvenile diabetes well into adulthood and as a result has become a double leg amputee. Ms. Cloutier, a former Licensed Practical Nurse, has not been alone in her quest to manage her life and her disability.
Matthew Gullotta, also born and raised in Tarrytown and a friend of the Cloutier family since childhood, has accomplished a feat in helping restore Paula Cloutier’s mobility and independence. With the help of many community members from Tarrytown and neighboring villages, Mr. Gullotta embarked on a fund-raising drive that has enabled Ms. Cloutier’s home to be wheelchair-accessible with poured concrete ramps from the street and a wooden ramp into her ground floor apartment.
Gullotta has been quick to point out that many, many people are responsible for raising the $6,500 that has allowed the purchase of materials and construction work to proceed. In addition to this amount, the Elmsford Rotarians in coordination with Gullotta provided a refurbished motorized wheelchair with a lift and a battery. As always, any individuals left off of this list are offered a sincere apology in advance: Dean Cloutier, Rotarians from Elmsford, Tarrytown and Ossining, the Sleepy Hollow/Tarrytown and Ossining Chambers of Commerce, DoubleTree along with Rich Friedman, Elmsford’s John McFadden, Ossining’s Catherine Borgia, Greenburgh’s Kevin Morgan, Tarrytown Trustee Tom Basher, Rabbi David Holtz, Home Depot, DSF Concrete Inc.,
Dominick Fanelli, Jacito Silva, Bernie Manning, Ronald Walsh, Steve Puchalski and Cinthia Gullotta have all been instrumental in the planning and execution of this volunteer project.
Matt Gullotta, who owns North American Refinery, is proud of his community and grateful to be able to offer this remarkable service to Paul Cloutier.