Winter Break: Scavenger Hunt & Historical Games

Philipse Manor Hall State Historic Site 29 Warburton Avenue, Yonkers

Looking for something fun to do with the whole family over winter break? Join us for our special winter break activity series! Come to the museum for a special new scavenger hunt through the museum exhibits, then join us upstairs in the Gothic Chamber for historical games all afternoon. Try your hand at games from […]

Free-Registration required

Winter Break Movie at the Museum: Pocahontas

Philipse Manor Hall State Historic Site 29 Warburton Avenue, Yonkers

Enjoy a movie the whole family will love – Disney’s Pocahontas, and have fun with a special activity booklet themed around the movie and the real history behind it. Movie starts at 1:00 PM. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is encouraged by not required. To register, call 914-965-4027 or email […]
