As Jue Wang, hailing from Qing Dao in the People’s Republic of China, approached his 70th birthday, the gift he gave himself was a fully immersive, nine-month English course here in the heart of Westchester. For the better part of a year, he worked hard to improve his language skills and sought out every possible chance to communicate, not for any greater purpose other than learning’s sake. At his graduation ceremony, he hugged his friends and delivered the news: he found it so valuable that in just a week, he would be back to do it all over again.
Sitting effortlessly on high the hills of Tarrytown, EF International Language Campus has been not only the home for thousands of annual international students, but the vantage point from which they observe the United States and all its nuanced waves of culture and community. The serene backdrop of green tree tops and cozy main streets help to illustrate the splendors of small-town suburbia, just a stone’s throw from the mighty Manhattan.
With programs serving adolescents, high school/college students and professionals alike, there is space at EF New York for anyone who craves to expand their knowledge of the English language while getting a taste of living in a multifaceted microcosm of the world at large. With more than 70 nationalities represented on campus at once, it is wonderfully demonstrative of the diversity of this nation and everything that comes with it.
Jue Wang is part of a special program designed for students who are fifty years old and older, one that connects corners of the world by folding them delicately into one another just north of one of the most well-known cities in the world. Tarrytown and its surrounding area provide a safe and enriching environment for students to connect their studies outside of the classroom, meeting locals and visiting shops, clubs and restaurants across the river towns of Westchester. This is most notable in our program-specific courses during which students learn specialized content that they later watch ‘come to life’ with trips to the local farmers’ markets, Tarrytown Music Hall and Stone Barns.
“I am here to learn now because I did not have many opportunities when I was younger,” explained Wang. He chooses his words carefully, not as you would gather a natural consequence of foreign language acquisition but rather as someone who is thoughtful, reflective, and well-spoken. With carefully controlled volume and the kindest eyes, he draws in those around him to listen with intent and warmth.
Wang has been described as a friendly face in the crowd, making the concerted effort to greet his peers with his mile-long smile, in addition to taking the time to introduce himself to anyone who happened to cross his path. He is often found at our fitness center promoting healthy lifestyle choices to his colleagues, noting the importance of maintaining habits for which one can later reap the benefits. He brings this wisdom outside of our campus too, finding ways to involve himself in the surrounding community and the lives of its members.
“I attend local services of worship in the surrounding area. I find that this is a great way to understand people.” In addition to seeking connections through religious ceremonies, Wang frequents the local Rock Island Sound music store for guitar lessons. “I started a year ago to show my grandson to never give up and to always keep learning.” To those who live on his dormitory floor, mornings are filled both with sunshine rising over the Hudson and the soft strumming of Wang’s guitar.
Interested in getting involved in our EF community? For more information about our academic programs including employment inquiries for the roles of ESL teacher, Resident Advisor, Activity Leader and more, please contact ef.newyork@ef.com.