100 Global Youth Leaders to Attend UNAOC-EF Summer School

Global Youth Leaders - EF Summer SchoolThe United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and EF Education First (EF) will host a groundbreaking Summer School for global youth leaders at EF’s New York campus in Tarrytown this August.  “The conviction that youth are a driving force for positive social change is the basis for the UNAOC-EF Summer School and we are very pleased to work alongside EF in this effort”, said Matthew Hodes, Director of the UNAOC.

From August 24th through the 31st, the Summer School will bring together 100 young people from around the world to share best practices for engaging with existing leadership structures and   for amplifying the youth voice in important decision-making processes. Leadership skills will be developed around critical topics such as poverty alleviation, global development, preventing identity based conflicts, climate change and cross-border partnerships.

“This Summer School is a meaningful collaboration between two organizations dedicated to exchange and understanding,” said Eva Kockum, President of EF International Language Centers. “Through the encouragement of dialogue, the participants can gain the skills needed in today’s interdependent and intercultural world.”

The selected future leaders will travel to New York from every corner of the world, including Libya, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Israel, Palestine and the United States. During their time at the Summer School, they will receive direct mentorship from UNAOC and EF officials, engage in roundtable discussions, participate in brainstorming sessions and visit the United Nations in New York City where they will hear from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

For additional information about the UNAOC, EF and the Summer School for global use leaders visit: www.UNAOCEFSummerSchool.org.

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About the Author: River Journal