Read the January 2023 Issue of River Journal North

Now you can read the full January issue of River Journal North online. Packed with New Year’s resolutions from a diverse and eclectic group of our readers as well as a look at what Croton has in store for their 125th anniversary. You’ll also find what Peekskill Walks, a group dedicated to making the streets of Peekskill safer and more accessible, has planned for the new year. Plus so much more. Feel free to share with your friends and family who may not receive the print issue at home.


  1. Where do you live Joe? If you live in one of the communities/areas we serve and don’t receive it every month, your mail carrier is not doing their job. If you live outside of those communities, you can buy a paid subscription for $36 a year.

  2. I love receiving my printed copy of the River Journal North at home and have no desire to read it on a tablet or computer.
    Thank you for this outstanding publication.

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About the Author: River Journal