Sustainable Living and Gardening Program at Briarcliff Manor Garden Club Feb. 13th

Briarcliff Manor Garden ClubBriarcliff Manor Garden Club will present Sustainable Living and Gardening with Maureen Morgan on Wednesday, February 13, 2013 at 11:45am, at 48 Macy Road, Briarcliff Manor. Everyone is welcome to attend.

With a blizzard on Halloween and rhododendrons blooming in July, it is pretty clear that something bizarre is going on with our planet.

With more than 6 years writing a bi-monthly column entitled “Surviving the Future” for the Westchester Business Journal, Maureen Morgan has a Master’s degree in Sacred Music from Union Theological Seminary and 50 years experience in getting people to sing on the same page, an invaluable tool in her new work.”

Any questions, please call 914-432-8529

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About the Author: River Journal