The 16th and 17th century motets come from two Italian and one German composer –Giovanelli, Gabrieli and Schütz – who were masters of their craft. The contemporary compositions include Antiphon by England’s beloved Ralph Vaughan Williams, Missa in Sono Tubae (Mass in Brass) by Norway’s most often performed composer, Trond Kverno, and An American Medley by American superstar Stephen Paulus. In one evening you will travel from a monastic setting to a Sunday morning in the English countryside to a Nordic cathedral to an old-fashioned folk/gospel concert of recognizable melodies with highly original choral arrangements.
One performance only on Sunday, January 25, 2015 at the Irvington High School, 40 North Broadway, Irvington, NY at 3:00 pm. Handicap parking is available. Following the concert, the audience is invited to join the performers for an informal reception to meet and greet the conductor, chorus and musicians, a long-standing Hudson Chorale tradition.
Ticket Prices: Advanced Sales – $25; Door – $30; Premium Reserved (purchased in advance only) – $40; Students – $10 (Advanced Sales and Door only). Premium Reserved Seats can be purchased by calling (914) 332-0133; Advanced Sales can be purchased by phone or via the chorus website: