In response to the ongoing resident complaints regarding Post Office mail delivery, the Town of Greenburgh will be conducting a test of the Postal Service First Class Delivery within the Town.
The following is a basic guide to the testing that will be conducted during October & November:
- The delivery testing will utilize the same External First Class testing methodology utilized by the Postal Service to test mail delivery locally and nationwide.
- The test would require ten volunteers for each of the four test weeks during October and November. Volunteers may be from any address within the entire town.
- Each volunteer will attend a one hour meeting in Town Hall, be handed ten letters in advance of the test date, and will be instructed to place the letters in the mail stream on a specific date. Volunteers will be instructed to place the letters in his/her own mailbox for carrier pick up, or in a designated blue collection box. Volunteers will confirm (via email or phone) that the letters were posted in the mail on the date as directed.
- Each volunteer will subsequently receive ten letters at their home address. The volunteer is only required to mark the receipt date on the letter enclosed in the envelope and return the ten letters (and envelopes) to Town Hall when all ten are received.
No business address, apartment address, or P.O. Box address can be used for the test. To insure accuracy in the testing, the volunteer must be available to check their mail daily until all ten pieces are received.
The data gathered during the test would be recorded on a simplified data chart shown below, and will provide a snapshot of local mail delivery within the Town. Results of the weekly testing will be shared with all residents and Postal Service Management.
Receipt Date # of Pieces % of Total
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Any resident wishing to be a Volunteer in this test should contact Town Supervisor Paul Feiner at