Christine Dennett Appointed as Briarcliff Manor Assistant Village Manager

Assistant Village Manager Christine Dennett. Photo supplied

The Village of Briarcliff Manor is pleased to announce the appointment of Christine Dennett as the new Assistant Village Manager. Christine will also continue to serve as the Village Clerk, a role in which she has excelled for nearly 20 years.

Since joining the Village, Christine has been a vital asset, providing exemplary service to both the staff and the residents. Her extensive experience and dedication have significantly contributed to the efficient functioning of the Village. This long-overdue appointment recognizes her many contributions and the multiple roles she has undertaken.

Village Manager Josh Ringel stated, “Christine has been a close advisor to me since I joined the Village. Her immense institutional knowledge and ability to manage various responsibilities are instrumental to the Village’s success. Christine’s dedication and expertise are unmatched. This promotion is well-deserved and highlights her exceptional service to our community.”

Christine expressed her gratitude for the recognition, saying, “I am honored to take on the role of Assistant Village Manager while continuing my duties as Village Clerk. I have dedicated my career to serving this Village and its residents, and I look forward to contributing even more in this expanded role. I appreciate the trust and confidence placed in me by the Village Manager and the Board of Trustees.”

Mayor Steven Vescio, speaking on behalf of the Board of Trustees, added, “Christine’s promotion to Assistant Village Manager is a testament to her hard work, dedication, and the integral role she plays in our Village. Her nearly two decades of service have been marked by a commitment to excellence and a genuine care for our community. We are confident that she will continue to excel in this new position and further enhance the operations of our Village.”

Christine’s new responsibilities as Assistant Village Manager will involve overseeing various Village department programs, providing administrative support to department heads, and representing the Village Manager in dealings with public officials, consultants, Board members, Village employees, and the general public. Her dual role will allow her to continue her excellent work as Village Clerk while also taking on additional administrative and operational functions within the Village.

The Village of Briarcliff Manor looks forward to Christine’s continued contributions and leadership in her new capacity.

For more information, please contact Village Manager Josh Ringel at


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