For the second time in two years, I spent election night [of Nov. 8] sitting in my recliner thru the wee hours, clicking the refresh button on my web browser, waiting for election results. As I waited to see what the next chapter of my life was to be, I had some time for quiet reflection.
I am proud of the way Mr. Mayes and I ran our campaigns. As candidates we presented ourselves to the electorate, spelled out our vision and asked for their votes.
Mr. Mayes promised to continue the course that we have been traveling with a government that is dominated by one party, governing from one point of view.
I asked for the chance to add a new voice to our local government so that laws and policies are generated through debate, cooperation and consensus.
At about 2:15 am I received my answer from the voters, but I also found hope in that answer.
In my case, the numbers do not appear to run strictly down party lines. Half of my votes did not come from Republicans. To me this means that many of my voters were looking at the person not strictly looking at the party. This is encouraging because that means that my message resonated with people that I met along the campaign trail.
The success of our country is predicated on the ideas of all of its people being heard and considered, not just one faction.
At this time, I do not know if next November will find me sitting in my recliner hitting the refresh button, contemplating my future. That is up to my family and my God.
I will continue to sit in on town committees, work sessions and board meetings and voice my opinions and concerns when permitted.
I encourage all of you to join me, I will save you a seat.
Warren A. Smith
Thank you for your kind thoughts Mr. Gallagher.
Congratulations Mr. Smith, despite the vote tabulation, you are a winner.
Your concession statement needs to be distributed to many candidates throughout our country.