Smart Steward of Tax Dollars
I proudly serve on both the Ossining and Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES boards of education, but my support for Ossining Town Supervisor Dana Levenberg represents my own personal view. I have known Dana for several years and have seen her repeatedly stand up to important challenges for the Ossining community on several occasions.
Early in her role as Town Supervisor, Dana held the line and made sure that Trump National Golf Club in Briarcliff Manor paid its fair share of taxes, making sure that hard working families did not pay for a tax cut for the Trump organization. Dana has been a smart steward of tax dollars. While she has kept taxes in check, the Moody’s rating for the town has been upgraded to AA1 status, which protects the Town’s financial future, and can make borrowing less expensive for large projects.
Dana supports equity and justice for all. After a symbol of hate was found at a town park, Dana reached out to the NAACP and local leaders to establish the Community Equity Task Force. The pandemic has shown that closing the digital divide is needed more than ever and is an important part of our way towards equitable access for all. Dana took the lead on applying for a grant to bring free wifi to the waterfront parks.
In my many years of seeing Dana in action as a colleague and as Supervisor, she has been an intensive listener and builder of consensus. Dana listens to the concerns of the community and has worked with developers to re-work proposals to minimize the impact of new projects on the environment, traffic and our schools.
Dana is the strong, experienced leader that Ossining needs. Please vote for Dana Levenberg for Town Supervisor in the Democratic Primary on June 22nd or through early voting continuing through June 20th.
Frank Schnecker
Environmental and Street Safety Initiatives
I am writing to add my voice to those who support Dana Levenberg’s bid for re-election as Ossining Town Supervisor. I have known Dana for about two decades, watching her work tirelessly to bring innovative ideas that would benefit all members of our community.
Dana’s environmental and street safety initiatives were the first I noticed. She was the organizing force behind walk-to-school days for Ossining students, meant to encourage healthy activity and pedestrian safety. Fast forward and you can see how that legacy grew into action on and securing grant funds for many green initiatives, such as charging stations for electric vehicles at town parks, bike safety, a food scraps program, and incorporation of sustainability elements into the new Comprehensive Plan.
Dana has also been a long-term advocate for equity and opportunity for all Ossining’s residents. Her service on the School Board, co-creation of the Ossining Micro Fund, and creation of the Town’s Community Equity Task Force are all testaments to that.
Dana’s energy to show up for Ossining is impressive, not only for the expected occasions but also in small, personal ways. Throughout the pandemic, she was a cheerleader for local businesses, highlighting them in social media posts, along with videos of a meal she’d purchased or a conversation she’d had with owners or fellow residents. She is also a leader in the important work of encouraging organ donor enrollment.
Add all this to the robust list of accomplishments like park and infrastructure improvements and sound fiscal management (with taxes under the cap and a ratings improvement!), and I am fully convinced that our community would be wise to re-elect Dana as Ossining Town Supervisor. I hope you’ll join me in doing that by casting your vote for Dana in the Democratic Primary on June 22. Early voting continues through June 20.
Ginny Loughlin
Experience and Knowledge
Our current Ossining Town Supervisor, Dana Levenberg, has the experience and knowledge needed to make things happen. That’s why the Pace Land Use Law Center honored Dana with their Groundbreakers Award for her insightful leadership and collaborative work with the Village of Ossining on projects such as the Millwood Ossining GO Bicycle and Pedestrian Connectivity Plan (MOGO). This ongoing multiyear land-use plan will connect bicycle and pedestrian pathways to local parks, historic places, business destinations, and the North County Trailway.
Dana’s insightful leadership has brought over $1.2 million in grant money to the Town which she has put to good use for projects that impact the quality of life for Ossining residents. These include green initiatives related to urban forestry and climate adaptation, as well as charging stations for cars, a new food scrap recycling program, and continual upgrades to the Town parks that we all share.
My personal experience with Dana begins before her first term as Supervisor, when she was the Chief of Staff for State Assemblywoman Sandy Galef. I met Dana while planning the future Sing Sing Prison Museum. Dana understands how this museum will aid regional development and create jobs, and she helped access $3 million of New York State funding based on these expected outcomes. In her role as supervisor, she has continued to work towards the museum’s expected opening next year, which will bring Ossining into the national conversation on justice issues. Dana’s “can-do” attitude and visionary leadership are exciting –she is an undeniable champion of our Town.
I hope you will vote for Dana as the Democratic candidate for Ossining Town Supervisor. Democratic Primary Day is June 22, and early voting continues through June 20.
Stephanie Lynn
Vice President
Sing Sing Prison Museum Board of Trustees
Comprehensive Plan with Sustainability Elements
On June 22nd, I’ll be casting my vote in the Democratic Primary to re-elect Dana Levenberg as Supervisor for the Town of Ossining. As someone who has invested so much of my time volunteering to help move this community toward environmental sustainability, I am keenly aware of the support needed to bolster efforts from local government. Supervisor Levenberg has done an outstanding job of creating, shepherding, and supporting important initiatives to propel us into an eco-conscious mindset. She has demonstrated her commitment to our community in environmentally forward-thinking ways. And she shows up and helps with programs because she knows how important they are–she walks the walk.
Some of the critical efforts spearheaded by Supervisor Levenberg are the development of a new comprehensive plan with sustainability elements, local legislation to support solar panel and battery energy storage installation, Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) so that residents can participate in 100% renewable energy options, LED streetlight replacement, energy benchmarking for municipal buildings, addition of electric vehicles to the Town fleet, and the Energy Smart Homes Program through Sustainable Westchester. One of the many endorsements she received in past elections is from the New York League of Conservation Voters for her work. The Town of Ossining is emerging as a leader for green initiatives and has been recognized for these efforts: the continuation of Tree City USA designation due to completed tree inventories, Sierra Club recognition for 100% green Community Choice Aggregation, inclusion as a Clean Air New York community partner, and awarding of protections for NYSDEC’s Unique Area adjacent to the Croton River.
It’s important to remember that there is no candidate that will get everything “right”. You can disagree with certain positions or actions taken by an elected official, but still be confident in their leadership skills. My decision is not about who I like better. My vote goes to the only candidate who has business, municipal, and organizational management experience. The person who can best manage a $15 million municipal budget, teams of people, and multiple projects, while maintaining the municipal, intra-municipal, and county relationships needed to make magical things happen. Supervisor Levenberg is the best candidate for Ossining.
Suzie Ross, MS
Co-founder, Ossining Documentary and Discussion Series
Executive Board, Ossining100
Executive Committee, The Climate Reality Project, Westchester Chapter
Chairperson, Green Ossining