Letter to the Editor: Support for Paul Feiner

To the Editor:

Paul Feiner

I am a former Irvington School Board President and a current Tarrytown resident.  I am writing in support of Town Supervisor Paul Feiner.  Paul cares deeply about town residents and their children and over the years has personally helped many of us.  In fact, Paul dramatically changed the life of my daughter.  One day I mentioned to Supervisor Feiner that my daughter, a former student intern of his, was out of work. Paul responded by writing letters to an upstate Congressman who hired her. Not only was my daughter able to jump-start her career, but she also met her future husband while working for that Congressman. And now, my daughter and son-in-law are proud parents of twin boys and reside in Seattle.  This small good deed has greatly impacted our family and is indicative of how Paul goes the extra mile to help his constituents.

I urge Democrats to vote for Supervisor Paul Feiner on Primary Day, June 22.


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