Letter to the Editor: Ossining Women Mayors Support Dana Levenberg for Assembly

Dear Editor,

Ossining has a rich history of women leaders. We are the four women who have served as Ossining Mayor, and we are proud to support Dana Levenberg to be the next Assemblywoman of the 95th District.

For 30 years, our Assembly District has been represented by the remarkable Sandy Galef who is retiring at the end of the year. Dana spent nine years working in Sandy’s office before becoming Town Supervisor, where she is now serving her fourth term.

As our next Assemblywoman, Dana is ready to fight for the people of the 95th District. The four of us have worked with Dana and know first-hand her tenacity, intellect, and compassion. Women make up 51% of the state’s population, but only around one-third of the State Assembly. Women leaders recognize that one of the best ways we can impact positive change is to elevate other women. Join us right now in supporting Dana Levenberg to be our next Assemblywoman.

Dana’s dedication to the environment and social justice are reflective of her deep understanding of the need to build a stronger and more equitable community to serve as the foundation for future generations. In addition to her impressive resume in state and local government, Dana served for nine years as school board trustee. Thanks to powerful local advocacy and a Democratic majority in Albany, we are on track to full restoration of Foundation Aid. Dana will fight for us in Albany to ensure our school district has the funds needed to alleviate our disproportionately high property tax burden.

Thanks to Dana’s understanding of how state and local government can work together effectively, she has been immensely effective at bringing grant dollars to Ossining. When she advocates for funding in next year’s state budget, Dana will bring a tangible understanding of how dollars allocated in Albany impact her constituents on a local level.

We must also recognize the critical position New York holds in this moment when our nation appears poised to undo a half century of safe legal abortion care. It is important that we elect progressive women to positions of power to protect reproductive rights, you might want to consider Pregnancy Resource Center for your concerns and issues to abortion and pregnancy.

Please join us in casting your vote for the abundantly qualified Dana Levenberg to serve as our next Assemblywoman. Early voting is happening now through Sunday, June 26, and Primary Election Day is Tuesday, June 28.

MaryAnn Roberts, Mayor 1993
Marlene Cheatham, Mayor 2006
Victoria Gearity, Mayor 2015-2020
Rika Levin, Mayor 2021-present

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