Letter to the Editor: Facilities Capital Bond Project in the Tarrytown Public Schools

To the Editor:

Our children deserve the best. It is always, children first. We have an opportunity to pave a better learning road for our kids.

I have been a Sleepy Hollow resident for 37 years. My sons went to the Tarrytown Public Schools, Kindergarten through High School. I worked in the Tarrytown elementary schools while getting my masters. I then worked in a neighboring school district for 20 years. When I was hired, almost 22 years ago, I remember walking into my fourth grade classroom and thinking they made a mistake and gave me the wrong room. It was a massive room with endless possibilities. After working at Washington Irving in a room that was less than 500 square feet for 24 students,  I never dreamed of the possibility of working in a room, twice the size,  for my incoming learners. We now have the opportunity for our children to thrive in spacious communities.

Dr. Ray Sanchez, our Superintendent and our facilities committee are true visionaries and plan on making our schools communities where students will meet their unlimited potential.

We have an extremely important facility bond up for vote on December 12th for Sleepy Hollow and Tarrytown residents. I am writing in total support of this bond for our children, teachers, community and our future. Our educators are amazing and work wonders in small spaces. They are truly inspirational and make work meaningful and engaging. Imagine what our teachers could do with classroom space, resources and a much, much needed facility update.

The schools have not changed since my sons were in Kindergarten. We need to make a change for the better, for our kids, for our future.

My experience in the classroom has shown me that when there is adequate space, bright windows, and wonderful, loving teachers, students excel. This is what a classroom with space does: It allows students to be in charge of their classroom design and make it their own. It allows students to use flexible seating. It allows  them to move around to fit their own learning style. Teachers need space to work with small groups of students while others are independently working. In order to achieve this, we need ample space, we need a facility improvement. Our students need this community behind the classroom door to do their very best. Our students deserve this.

We desperately need this in the Tarrytown Public Schools. Our elementary schools are outdated and the infrastructure needs improvements. Now is the time. We are in control of change. 

I support space. I support children’s potential. I support the bond. I encourage you to vote ‘yes’ for this bond. Voting will take place on Tuesday, December 12 from 7:00am to 9:00pm. Tarrytown residents can vote at the Washington Irving School and Sleepy Hollow residents can vote at W.L. Morse School.

Leslee Hammer
Sleepy Hollow Resident

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