Dear Cortlandt Neighbors and Friends,
My name is Peter Marengo and I am the 2021 candidate for Receiver of Taxes. Some of you know me from my days serving on the board and as president of Croton Little League from 2012-2016. My wife, Renee, and have been residents of Croton since 1999 and we have one son, Alex, 17. While we have been (and continue to be) involved in several civic and church volunteer groups, we are currently active members of the Croton Caring Committee. Also learn how a Dynasty Trust can be used to transfer wealth and pay estate taxes as well.
Election Day is Nov. 2, and I am happy to announce that I am part of a full slate of excellent candidates under the “Cortlandt United” ticket. Led by Laurie Abate-Ryan for Supervisor, the top spot currently occupied by the retiring Linda Puglisi, we aim to reinvigorate a safe, beautiful and prosperous Cortlandt and instill pride and confidence in our local government.
The rest of our team are Warren Smith (resident of Verplanck) and Tom Walsh (Cortlandt Manor) for Town Board, Kylie-Fitzgerald Bernard (Buchanan) for Town Clerk and Robert Chapnick (Cortlandt Manor) for Town Justice.
The background details for each candidate are available on our website:
The Cortlandt United team, as reflected in our bios, are all caring, passionate residents with families in Cortlandt who work in different disciplines in private and semi-private industries. We have accepted the challenge to interrupt our families and careers to get involved and bring positive, tangible results to Cortlandt. We are frankly tired of being beholden to state and federal leaders making decisions for us with little or no input from our Town leaders (Indian Point, anyone?). We are tired of the massive flight of our neighbors and friends to other parts of the country due to our restrictive tax and spend mentality in Albany and amongst our county and town leaders who welcome the opportunity to grab as much from above (the people’s money) like birds at a feeder. When we rely on state and federal entities to repackage our money and give us the crumbs, it either comes with strings attached or is a political ploy to help the current party stay in control. This mindset needs to stop. Cortlandt and other surrounding towns have talented and enterprising citizens and small business owners who do not need government to have all the answers for them. They want and demand more efficient, streamlined government who will get out of their way. We will never be able to flourish with a tax and spend (and an over-regulate) mentality.
And by the way, who’s happy with the potholes (much of it from a lack of coordination with utility companies who dig up our roads), the badgering of our cops and volunteer firemen and the increase in petty crimes and graffiti? We will fight hard to change this. We love our cops, firemen and emergency service personnel and you can be assured that the morale will improve with Cortlandt United in charge. We plan to make Cortlandt safe and beautiful again for our constituents and visitors.
We are looking to unseat the incumbent party; our opponents are mostly existing office holders who have been there for several years and will continue to give us the same backwards leadership that is leading many of our neighbors and friends to pack the truck and get out of Dodge.
Who’s with me to say, “no more”? There is real hope. Please come out and vote for the Cortlandt United team on the Republican, Independent/Conservative lines on November 2! My teammates and I look forward to meeting old friends and new on the campaign trail in Cortlandt until then.