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Submission Sunday

April 6 @ 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Submission Sundays is a free service to members of HVWC. Space is limited so please reserve your spot.

This group will meet online via Zoom. The host will email the Zoom link the day of the event.

One Sunday a month, 12:30-2:30 pm. Join host Anne Graue for two hours of insider information on where and how to send your best work to literary journals. Members can reserve a seat at the table of like-minded writers with a room of journals, advice on where to submit, moral and technical support, and everything you need to successfully send your work to target publisher(s). Any genre welcome.

Anne Graue is a poet, reviewer, and editor whose work has appeared in literary journals and anthologies, online and in print. She is the author of Full and Plum-Colored Velvet, (Woodley Press, 2020), and Fig Tree in Winter (Dancing Girl Press, 2017). Her poetry has appeared in Sundress Publications Best Dressed Blog, Verse Daily, Poet Lore, SWWIM Every Day, Spoon River Poetry Review, Gargoyle, Unbroken Journal, River Heron Review, FERAL: A Journal of Poetry and Art, Leon Literary Review, and Action, Spectacle, among others. Her work has been included in several print anthologies, including Blood and Roses: An Anthology In Honor of Aphrodite and Coffee Poems. A former staff reviewer at Glass: A Journal of Poetry, her reviews of poetry collections have also been published in The Kenyon Review, The Rupture, Whale Road Review, Green Mountains Review, and The Rumpus. She is one of the poetry editors for The Westchester Review.

Submission Sunday is a free service to HVWC members . If you are a member you should have received a coupon code you can apply at checkout so this event cost will deduct to zero. Don’t have a membership? Sign up here. Otherwise, tickets are $10 for this group meeting.


April 6
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
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Hudson Valley Writers Center
View Organizer Website


via ZOOM