Warner Library Launches Summertime StoryWalk

Looking for things to do this summer? Well, just take a walk, a StoryWalk® that is. What is a StoryWalk® you say? It’s a free, fun, educational, interactive, literature based activity for all ages. The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Vermont Bicycle & Pedestrian Coalition and the Kellogg Hubbard Library. Libraries across the country are installing these as a way to connect with their communities outside of the library.

The Warner Library has two StoryWalks® that are on display this summer. In collaboration with the TaSH you can check out a bilingual pop-up  StoryWalk® at the market featuring the book Señorita Mariposa by Ben Gundersheimer on July 8 and August 12 from 11:30-1:15. Senorita Mariposa is an eco-friendly tale about the monarch butterfly migration.

Don’t forget to visit the library to take a mindful stroll on the library grounds. Here you can find 15 bilingual storyboards nestled within the landscape. The library StoryWalk® is co-funded by the Rotary Club of the Tarrytowns and the Friends of the Library. The featured book is called Quiet! by Kip Alizadeh. Each storyboard has an extra interactive question/activity in two languages to get you to engage with the book. This is a bilingual tale of discovery as a young child learns about the environment. The library StoryWalk® hours are from 9am to 7pm. Keep your eyes peeled for a new StoryWalk® to come in the Fall.

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