Lyndhurst will begin a major restoration of the north side of the estate funded by a $500,000 grant from the New York Historic Preservation Office and a matching gift from Lyndhurst’s Advisory Council Member Ken Woodcock.
The planned projects will restore an area stretching from the rose garden to the swimming pool building and create an enhanced visitor experience with access to previously unrestored historic features. The perennial gardens will be recreated from historic pictures across from the rose garden and a historic foundation and marble seating groups will be returned to their original position. MacMonnies’ Pan of Rohallion will be returned to the front of the greenhouse, along with other 19th century marble pieces. The the lilac allee will be returned to its original splendor and will lead to the 1911 Swimming Pool Building which will receive significant refurbishment to both the interior and exterior.
These restoration efforts will be complemented by new and expanded ADA-compliant pathways and parking that enables visitors to experience more of Lyndhurst’s landscape in an area that is one of the most beautiful on the property but until now has been the most underutilized. The projects will take place in stages over the next two to three years. Visitors may not see activity for some time as planning and infrastructure will precede more visible restoration efforts.