It has been reported locally (and you can’t believe everything you read) that the Sleepy Hollow Mayor and three Trustees would be unopposed in seeking re-election on March 15.
Hold the presses!
At the time of this writing, Friday, February 11, it appears that the Sleepy Hollow incumbents may indeed be challenged.
Enter Daniel Scott for Mayor along with Sumantha (Sumi) Sedor and John Gasko for the office of Trustee. They are running on a rather appropriate “Sleepy Hollow United” line. Their message speaks to the internal revitalization of Village government and to the inclusion of residents for a return to open government.
Sleepy Hollow United Mayoral candidate, Dan Scott was raised in Westchester. He is an attorney, professionally, and a married dad, personally, with two young children. His manner is articulate, bright, direct and with a sense of vitality — vitality and direction concerning issues facing Sleepy Hollow which he knows can be done much better than the track record of the current administration. Sumi Sedor is a corporate attorney and a colleague of Dan Scott. She brings to the ticket an in-depth knowledge of corporate governance, and as such, experience that can be transferred to municipal governance as well. John Gasko is widely known throughout the Village of Sleepy Hollow where he has lived since 1962, and for many of those years owned a tree care business. His son is an officer with the Sleepy Hollow Police Department. We met recently with the three candidates in a comfortable Philipse Manor home, where they detailed their reasons for running and their vision of a united Sleepy Hollow.
For Mayoral candidate Dan Scott the need for transparent leadership starts at the top. “Awhile ago I went to Village Hall with the intent of coordinating a meeting between the Mayor and Trustees and another Westchester Mayor whose village has successfully revitalized its downtown,” Scott said. “I went with the best of intentions and was emphatically told by the Village Attorney that I could not do that sort of thing,” he added. Scott, like so many other residents, realizes that Beekman Avenue has to be revitalized if Sleepy Hollow is to attract visitors and new businesses, and give its residents a reason for populating the street. “I see what Main Street in Tarrytown is like and I ask how come Sleepy Hollow cannot provide a similar gathering place for people?” he said. The rebuff that Daniel Scott received solidified his feelings regarding the need for new government in Sleepy Hollow, and he wanted to be a part of it. “I truly question that the current Mayor and Board of Trustees are the right people to deal with very important issues in Sleepy Hollow. Take General Motors for instance. The Mayor and his Board have shown a complete lack of transparency on the development of that site. Every one agrees that Lighthouse Landing has to be developed, but it’s how it’s to be developed that counts. The public has been kept in the dark for the past two years and now it looks like the Board is set to approve the project quickly when there are still many unanswered questions.” Scott has also noticed the lack of community involvement within Sleepy Hollow government. He cites the current administration as secretive and far from transparent. “As Mayor I will readily seek input from residents and in particular from our students around volunteering for various Village projects. We are a community and we have people as our resources; why not use them?” he questioned.
Trustee candidate John Gasko reiterated the theme of an unresponsive Mayor and Board with regard to the public. “I have lived through a lot of administrations and this group of people are arrogant with regard to the public. That’s what happens when a one-party system is in office too long,” he offered. He cited the method of releasing good employees which has been a hallmark of the current administration. “They let our Treasurer go, for no reason. We have had four Police Chiefs in less than 2 years and now they want to consider sharing joint services with the Westchester County Police,” he said with a look of incomprehension on his face. Trustee Candidate Gasko believes that Sleepy Hollow is headed in a wrong direction on a fast track. He knows that a Village he has called home for over five decades and the people in it need better representation. His no-nonsense approach to identifying problems and seeking solutions is refreshing. He is convinced that one major problem can be solved with a new government in place on March 15.
Sumantha (Sumi) Sedor brings with her friendly demeanor, professionalism on how to get things accomplished as a Trustee candidate. A corporate attorney, she has a grasp on areas of strength and weakness within major firms. She is competent and energetic in her ability to offer good counsel, and knows that her skills can be a true resource, as well, on a local governmental level. She likes people and has found Sleepy Hollow full of wonderful residents, from her Philipse Manor Garden Club to neighbors village-wide. “I have bought into this Village and community involvement,” she said. She sees residents as a great resource for further developing all the positive things the community can offer. She also sees the need for an open and transparent administration, and like her running mates, believes it doesn’t currently exist in Sleepy Hollow. “Some people may criticize me because I am relatively new to Sleepy Hollow. I, however, see that as a strength,” she said. It’s a strength in her estimation because she will not be swayed by being told that things cannot be done. She will assess what needs to be done, seek community involvement and do it. She’s that type of woman. For more information visit: .