Sleepy Hollow Halloween 10K Set for October 26

Photo: Joe Golden

Halloween in Sleepy Hollow, home of the Headless Horseman, the Ichabod Crane Bridge, the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Haunted Houses, Graveyard tours, and Pumpkin Patches, it is all about Halloween. For the runner it is about the Sleepy Hollow Halloween 10K on Saturday, October 26. This 10K race attracts more than 1400 runners from all over the country. We have runners from Texas, Oregon and Ontario run the streets. Many come to run in costume, others to take in the beautiful neighborhoods and run along the Hudson River. One year a front runner cooled down by running the course a second time slower just to take in the views.

This 10K race was voted one of the best Halloween 10Ks in the country by Runners World Magazine. Everything from the Halloween inspired race shirts to the age group medals and the post-race festivities, it is all about celebrating Halloween in Sleepy Hollow. Even the Kids Fun Run finisher medals have pumpkins on them. The Headless Horseman helps with the start of the race and can be seen again at mile 2. There is music throughout the course for the runners to enjoy. Many homeowners who have decorated their homes are along the course cheering for the runners and admiring the many different costumed runners.

After the race enjoy the best post-race grub around. No dry bagels at this finish, there are local pastries from the Chilean bakery, Boxed Water is Better, and multiple protein and granola bars. And yes, there is candy, it is Halloween and all. For those of age there is a complimentary draft beer and there is also nonalcoholic beer from Athletic Brewing Company. The post run costume contest is always a blast because the costumes are awesome; witches, lighthouses, super heroes, Super Mario and even three blind mice.

This is a must run if you want to enjoy Halloween in a historic Halloween village. The legend began here. There is so much more to take in after the race, tours, hikes, the Hudson River and many great restaurants to have lunch. Heck, make it a weekend. Hope to see you there.   Register at

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