Letter to the Editor: Briarcliff People’s Caucus Annual Nominating Meeting

Dear Resident:

On January 12, 2022 starting at 8:00 P.M., we will be holding our Annual Nominating Meeting for Candidates seeking a position on the Village Board of Trustees as well as on the Executive Committee of the People’s Caucus. Trustee Kevin Hunt has advised that he intends to seek the Caucus nomination for an additional two-year term. Trustee Sabine Werner had advised that she does not intend to seek the Caucus nomination for a second two-year term.  On behalf of the Executive Committee I would like to express my thanks to Ms. Werner for her service to the Village and wish her the best in whatever she undertakes.

I am in the process of completing my fifth consecutive one-year term serving as Chair of the Executive Committee and in accordance with our By-Laws I have reached my term limit for the position.  I anticipate that our Vice Chair, Larisa Wayne Paulmeno will seek the nomination to serve as Chair and I anticipate seeking the nomination for Vice Chair (each for a one year term).  Should there be others who choose to seek nomination for these positions it is possible that either Larisa or myself or both will withdraw.  If anyone would like to consider seeking Nomination for the position of two Village Trustees or the Caucus Executive Committee we will be happy to arrange a meeting (via Zoom) to answer any questions.

The Annual Nominating Meeting will once again be held via Zoom given the uncertainties presented by the accelerating Covid 19 pandemic / epidemic.

Aaron B. Stern, Chair
Executive Committee

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