Briarcliff Middle School Teacher Wins Prestigious Award

BMS Teaching Assistant Svetlana Ryzhik

Briarcliff Middle School students have historically done exceptionally well on the American Mathematics Competition 8 (AMC 8) math test. But did you ever think about the teacher who encouraged them along the way?

The Edyth May Sliffe Award is given each year to several dozen outstanding high school and middle school teachers for their dedication to motivating and inspiring students in mathematics. This year, one of those teachers is BMS Teaching Assistant Svetlana Ryzhik, who is the school’s Math Club advisor.

Edyth May Sliffe was a mathematics teacher from California who believed that teachers of students performing well in the math competition should be recognized. After her death in 1986, with a bequest from her estate, the award was created. Since 1989, teachers from top American and Canadian schools have been honored.

Ms. Ryzhik is one of 29 distinguished teachers from the United States and Canada – and the only one from New York – to receive the award this year.

The award is given by the Mathematical Association of America (MMA), which holds the AMC 8, 10 and 12 exams each year, for students in middle and high schools.

As Math club advisor, Ms. Ryzhik oversees student preparation for the exam. The grade 8 exam is a multiple-choice exam, administered online, and comprises 25 problems, completed in a 40-minute window.

“The Math Club is open to all middle school students and I pick the students who will participate in the AMC 8 exam,” Ms. Ryzhik said. “Last week 10 students took the exam, with two students – eighth graders Aaron Zheng and seventh grader Austin Saw – getting the highest scores, 22 and 21 respectively.

Principal Amy Gladstone nominated Ms. Ryzhik for the award.

Ms. Ryzhik learned that she had won six weeks ago but could not share the news until it was official.

“I was absolutely ecstatic when I found out. I did not expect it at all,” she said.

Ms. Ryzhik received a monetary gift of $500, as well as a trip to attend the MMA MathFest in Sacramento, CA in August.

“I may go to Sacramento in the summer and maybe visit Lake Tahoe,” she said.

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