With the New Year came new co-presidents for the Sleepy Hollow/Tarrytown Chamber of Commerce. Terry McGlynn is a financial advisor who owns his own firm, TGM Financial Group, within a larger organization, Strategies for Wealth. He is a graduate of Stonehill College and has an MBA from Pace University. Prior to becoming co-president of the Chamber he was its secretary treasurer. He sees his role as a continuation of the efforts of past presidents, and specifically, growing the membership while providing increased value to members. “It’s a synergy between members and non-members through communication. It’s getting the information out about the benefits of joining the Chamber. We have tremendous networking events,” he said.
Co-president Gerry Riera is the Tarrytown YMCA CEO and holds a degree in Exercise Science from Rutgers University. He too realizes the work of past co-presidents Brian Doyle and JoAnne Murray. “We need to elevate the awareness of the Chamber and its benefits to the business community,” he said. “There is always to opportunity to improve communications to benefit businesses,” he added.
The Chamber has recognized the importance of the Internet in promoting both Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow as destinations. Halloween has put Sleepy Hollow on the map and both men want to interact more with Historic Hudson Valley during the “scary season” which brings thousands of visitors to local events. The Chamber also has a Facebook page and recognizes the importance of social media outlets for its members.
For further information about the Sleepy Hollow/Tarrytown Chamber of Commerce visit www.sleepyhollowchamber.com or call John Sardy at (914) 631-1705.