Remote work is not a fad – it’s very much here to stay. Figures reported by Forbes indicate that over 25% of all professional jobs in the USA will be fully remote by the end of 2022. With many of the jobs in Westchester River communities professional, they are liable to be caught up in this wave. The real question is whether the towns and villages along the banks of the river are ready to deal with this way of working, both in terms of supply and local business sustenance.
Working space demands
To be accomplished effectively, remote working demands more than just a laptop. According to Entrepreneur magazine, there are important psychological steps to be taken in order to be productive working from home. This includes creating a specialized workspace, and the opportunity to regularly head outside. It’s notable that huge amounts of space aren’t demanded by these principles, and, with the right planning, a great workspace can be created even in cramped environments. For local businesses, this means there’s a lot more interest in products, and a demand that needs to be met to move away from online retailers.
Enhancing local businesses
Just as there is greater demand to set up these office environments, so is there greater demand on local businesses to provide food, drink, and supplies to remote workers. Indeed, as the Stack Overflow blog highlights, one of the main complaints by urban planners has been that empty offices are killing businesses within cities. Westchester River businesses must be ready to deal with greater influxes – not an easy challenge given the damage done, previously, by the pandemic.
Imparting quality of life
Towns way to the north have shown the way in promoting a healthy remote working community, according to Forbes. The likes of Portland, Maine, and Burlington, Vermont, were ready made for engagement with remote work, due to plentiful outdoor areas, high quality of life, and reasonable cost of living. Westchester River communities have this, and lots of it, making the area perfectly suited to providing that environment.
In many ways, remote working is returning individuals to the communities of old. Instead of commuting to the big city, and spending all evening in the home, there’s more time and opportunity for professionals to get in and around their local community, contributing to businesses and building a sense of local spirit. In this, Westchester River communities excel.