The holidays are upon us, and the spirit of giving is becoming more alive in our friends, family, and co-workers. While it’s essential to show the people in our personal lives that we care, our clients are often forgotten about during this season. However, we must show our appreciation to the people who support our business by offering them a suitable and impressive gifts similar to the ones at NSW online flowers store. And if you’re looking to get corporate gifts for your clients, you may also want to hop over to this website like limogescollector.com for more options to choose from.
5 Steps to Choosing the Perfect Client Gift
More often than not, business owners want to strengthen their client relationships with gifts, but they aren’t sure how to go about it. Here are When and What to Gift Clients Advice to guide your purchases.
- Something Useful
Usefulness is in the eye of the beholder, but there are universally accepted gifts that most of your clients would use every day. Pens, water bottles, coffee mugs, and phone chargers are used by most professionals daily, but if you’re bold, ask your clients what they might like. Do contact Aquaholic for your corporate purchase of custom backpack printing.
To be more subtle, talk about something you need to replace or rebuy, like post-it notes or tape. Most clients will open up about what they also need, which would likely make a good gift.
- Something Personalized
Find something personal to your client that they may enjoy, like a custom bouquet and card combination with a local Chicago flower delivery company. Offering your client a personalized gift shows that you know enough about them to shop for something you know they’d like.
However, sometimes we don’t get the opportunity to know our clients personally. If that’s the case, give them a journal branded with their name or creative works you made for them.
- Something Unexpected
Your clients are probably not expecting a gift from you, so they’ll probably be surprised no matter what you buy them. Still, you can get creative by including drawings, scavenger hunts, puzzles, or coupons of undisclosed amounts to add some mystery to your present.
One thing that typically goes over well is scratch tickets because they combine the game, scavenger hunt, and puzzle aspects while also giving your client the chance to earn money.
- Something Thoughtful
The delivery method itself can go a long way to show your client that you care about them. For local clients, you can deliver a box of chocolates and a note yourself directly to their place of business. Practically no one hand delivers gifts anymore, so your gesture will be remembered.
However, if your clients live far away, you can put some effort into the presentation. Use custom wrapping paper, edited photos, and/or handwritten cards to make them feel special.
- Something Appreciative
Unless you give something entirely off the mark, your clients will appreciate that you thought of them and made an effort to show that their business matters to you. The whole reason you’re putting effort into your gift in the first place is to show your appreciation, so make it count.
Whatever you give or however you give your gifts this year, be sure to emphasize your key message: to give thanks. That’s what really separates an obligation from a thoughtful gift.