The Perils of the Online “DIY” Will

As the use of AI and cloud-based platforms have become widespread, so have “DIY” Last Wills and Testaments (LWTs). There is no denying the convenience of drafting your LWT from […] Read more »

Use It or Lose It: Time is Running Out to Avoid the Federal Estate and Gift Tax – Part Two

Part One of this article from January 2024 discussed how affluent New Yorkers who do not engage in estate tax planning could find themselves paying a combined federal and NY […] Read more »

Use It Or Lose It: Time is Running Out to Avoid the Federal Estate and Gift Tax – Part One

For the vast majority of New Yorkers, the federal estate and gift tax and the New York estate tax is not an issue. However, for affluent residents of the State […] Read more »

Aging in Place: How Can I Pay for the Cost of a Home Care Aide?

Although there are exceptions, the vast majority of seniors desire to remain in their homes and maintain as much independence as possible. Yet, the process of aging is inevitable, and […] Read more »

Partner Content: Planning For Your Loved One with Special Needs

If you have a child, grandchild, or other loved one with a severe and chronic mental or physical disability, it is more important than ever to plan for their future. […] Read more »

Partner Content: Protecting Your Home From the Cost of Long-Term Care

For many people, their house is their most valuable asset and worthy of protection at all costs. Yet, only those with the foresight to plan ahead recognize that one of […] Read more »

Partner Content: Why Do I Need A Revocable Living Trust?

It is a common misconception that trusts are only for wealthy individuals. There are a myriad of reasons why people of all income brackets should utilize a trust as a […] Read more »