On May 30, the Thursday Club presented Scenic Hudson, an environmental organization dedicated to helping citizens and communities preserve land and create parks along the Hudson River, with a check for $85,000. The funds were raised through the club’s 96th annual benefit dinner-dance at Ardsley Country Club on April 12.
Sarah Gardner, Thursday Club President, presented the check to Scenic Hudson President, Ned Sullivan. Monies raised will be used to help provide the engineering study needed to close the last significant north-south gap in the River Walk trail in the Irvington-Tarrytown-Sleepy Hollow area. According to Scenic Hudson, this would ensure that kids, families and commuters can walk or bike to the new Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge and explore the area’s riverfronts, businesses and historic sites, including Sunnyside, Lyndhurst, and Philipsburg Manor. The environmental group maintains the project is essential for providing seamless access to the Hudson Riverfront and the villages along side it.
“The Thursday Club was so pleased to honor Scenic Hudson this year. Their longtime commitment to protecting our environment and preserving open spaces that everyone can use is truly inspiring,” said Sarah Gardner.
Scenic Hudson brings together people, businesses and government to protect the river and natural resources that are the engines of the valley’s local economies. Started in 1963 by a handful of citizens who cherished the simple pleasures of the outdoors along the Hudson, Scenic Hudson is credited with launching the modern grass-roots environmental movement. https://www.scenichudson.org/about
The Thursday Club, founded in 1921, is a group of women who are committed to their community, to each other, and to the belief that friends working together with focus and compassion can improve the world around them. The agencies that have profited from the Thursday Club’s efforts—social service, civic, cultural, environmental and health care—reflect both the wide range of interests and concerns of its members and the club’s far-reaching impact. For past beneficiaries go to https://thursdayclubbenefit.com/past-beneficiaries/.
Anita Pilzer of Dobbs Ferry and Katharine (Jinx) Chapman of Briarcliff served as co-chairs of the Thursday Club’s spring benefit.