Congratulations to the March 2025 River Journal Pet of the Month

Meet Oliver!  

Oliver is a 1-year-old Frenchton, the best birthday present his dad could have asked for!  Nearly a year after this picture was taken, our family has marveled watching him grow.   

Oliver Pickles (named for being both sweet and salty) is a lively, leaping, lovable boy who likes to be the center of attention. He joins 6-year-old fur brother, Henry, whose calmer demeanor was challenged when we first brought Oliver home but who now tolerates him, if not, even loves him. 

Oliver is our “spring-loaded puppy” as he can jump to heights never seen by a short-legged dog!  It’s not uncommon to find him sitting in a high-stool kitchen chair as he watches his family make meals or standing on the dining room table to get a good look out the window to see his teen brother get off the bus. 

With his underbite that occasionally displays his crooked teeth, Oliver brings a smile to everyone he meets. He is trusting (exposing his belly for rubs upon meeting new people), tactile (using his big paws to touch for your attention) and mischievous (pulling socks from the laundry basket to chew). He listens just enough to not make us crazed and ends all his misbehaviors with an adorable look and lots of apologetic kisses.  

Some of Oliver’s favorite things are his stuffed taco, Snoopy and Woodstock, giving his dad face kisses, road trips, cuddling with his mom and brother and devouring fruit. He’s working on getting better about sharing toys with Henry and hates having to wear sweaters to go outside in the winter. 


Want to see your pet featured in River Journal? Send a photo of your pet – just one photo per pet please – to Include your pet’s name as well as your name, email, phone number and zip code. Winning pets will receive a gift basket and complimentary pet photo shoot from Liflander Photography! 


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