Yorktown Leos Launch Cereal Drive

Cereal boxes collected in 2024 at the John C. Hart Memorial Library. Photo courtesy of the Town of Yorktown.

The Yorktown Leos and the Yorktown High School National Honor Society have launched a cereal drive to help a local food pantry.

The students will run their cereal drive through February 7 with public collection boxes at the John C. Hart Memorial Library and Yorktown Town Hall. Donors are encouraged to give sealed, unopened and unexpired boxed cereal to help the Community Food Pantry at Saint Mary’s Mohegan Lake meet the demand for specialty cereals. Donors can also bring cereal to St. Mary’s and mention to the staff that the gift is for the Leos’ drive.

“It’s a great way to help our community,” said Supervisor Ed Lachterman. “Cereal is a staple food, especially for those in need. It’s a breakfast, lunch and dinner food.”

The Food Pantry at St. Mary’s Mohegan Lake is an interfaith, community-based not-for-profit service organization staffed by volunteers. The pantry’s mission is to provide supplemental food to families or individuals who live in the Mohegan Lake and greater Yorktown – Cortlandt area.

Questions about the cereal drive can be directed to yorktownleos1@gmail.com.

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About the Author: Alain Begun