Bethel Homes and Services partnered with Volunteer New York to support local Head Start programs yesterday as 30 senior residents volunteered to create paper puppets as part of a literacy project to aid pre-K children learn how to read.
At right, (l to r) Jean Templeton, Community Emergency Preparedness Corps. Manager from Volunteer New York, discussing puppet-making techniques with Bethel Springvale Inn resident, Laura Shapiro, a former administrator with the NYC school system and grant writer. Ms. Shapiro was one of 30 Bethel residents who volunteered their time to create puppets for the Head Start Literacy Program to aid Pre-K children in learning how to read.
These seniors came from The Pines, Bethel’s Independent Senior Living apartments in Ossining, The Springvale Inn, Bethel’s Assisted Senior Living Residence in Croton and Bethel’s Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, also in Croton. There was standing room only as they all gathered at the Inn to volunteer their services.
Jean Templeton, Community Emergency Preparedness Corps. Manager from Volunteer New York, said, “We are thrilled with this wonderful response to help our pre-K children learn how to read. It’s a perfect partnership. The seniors are delighted to help and the children will benefit greatly from the puppets.” Bethel’s seniors enjoyed the morning’s event so much that plans are underway to partner again with Volunteer New York to plan a future intergenerational project.