Sleepy Hollow High School Junior Wins Congressional Art Competition

Congressman Mike Lawler presents the award to Sleepy Hollow High School junior Daniel Anderson

Every spring, the Congressional Institute sponsors a nationwide high school visual art contest aimed at acknowledging and encouraging young artists across the country. Participants submit their artworks to their local representative’s office, where panels of district artists evaluate and choose the winning submissions. Winners are recognized both in their district and at an annual awards ceremony in Washington, D.C.

Congressman Mike Lawler, whose district includes Sleepy Hollow High School, chose junior Daniel Anderson as the winner of this year’s Congressional Art Competition.

“This is a terrific program across the country where every congressman gets to display a student’s artwork,” said Rep. Lawler. “Daniel’s image was the first one that stood out to me. It was the most vibrant, and it was very well done. I’m excited to see where his talent takes him.”

Daniel submitted his photograph of a peacock he took while vacationing in Portugal with his family and friends. He entered the contest on a whim, and much to his surprise he was named the winner for New York’s 17th District.

“I always had a fascination with peacocks because they are so colorful. I didn’t intend the background to look like it did, and I was surprised with how it turned out,” said Daniel. “It was one of my favorite photos from that trip. When Ms. Lawrence told me about the art competition, we looked at all my photos and that one stood out to us.”

Rep. Lawler met with Daniel in person on May 6 to personally congratulate the young artist and to ensure that the winning photograph was in his possession. He will be bringing the photograph to the U.S. Capitol, where it will be displayed for one year with 434 other pieces of art from young artists throughout the country.

“It was very competitive, and I’m extremely excited for him,” said Jane Lawrence, Art teacher at Sleepy Hollow Middle and High School. “This is about our school, our state, and our country. It’s something everyone can connect to, there’s a certain grace about it.”

Daniel’s photograph will not only be on display in the U.S. Capitol but also in Sleepy Hollow High School’s main entrance for all to enjoy.

“It’s a really cool experience. I wasn’t expecting this to happen. I’m just excited that I was with my family when I got the call so I could celebrate with them,” said Daniel.

“His teachers at Sleepy Hollow High School have encouraged him and helped foster his skills. We are so grateful to everyone here and for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” added Lora Anderson, Daniel’s mother.

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