Last spring, five Todd Elementary School students – Yasmin Hill, Kevin Morrissy, Brendan O’Neill, Stella Ross and Matthew Stewart – were chosen by the American Choral Directors Association to perform with the New York State ACDA Elementary Honor Choir at the annual state conference in Albany, N.Y. On Aug. 13, they entertained a standing room only audience of parents, conference attendees and guests.
At right, Todd ES students chosen to sing in the ACDA Elementary Honors Choir with their teacher: From L-R Brendan O’Neill, Kevin Morrissy, Matt Stewart, Yasmin Hill, Stella Ross and music teacher Wilma Messenger.
The students were selected based on a variety of criteria, including outstanding musicianship, excellent vocal ability and a willingness to commit to long hours of intensive rehearsals. Under the leadership of Todd music teacher Wilma Messenger, the singers spent numerous hours learning the new pieces. At the conference, they were joined by approximately 100 other selected students from throughout the state. They participated in rehearsals under the direction of conductor Robyn Reeves Lana. Ms. Lana is the founder, managing artistic director and conductor of the award-winning Cincinnati Children’s Choir known as “The Ensemble-in-Residence” at the University of Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music.
Last March, eight Todd students were selected to perform with the National Youth Honor Choir at the ACDA’s annual national conference in Dallas, Texas, part of a larger group of students from throughout the district who attended. Yasmin, Kevin, Matthew and Stella were among them. It was also recently announced that 28 members of the Todd Honors Choir were selected to perform as members of the 2014 ACDA Eastern Division Elementary Honor Choir in Baltimore, MD this coming February. Three singers from Briarcliff Middle School and two from Briarcliff High School were also selected to perform.