Pomp & Principals – Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow High School Principal Carol ConklinDear Class of 2010,

You are certainly a memorable group!  From your first day of high school you have impressed us with your creativity, challenged us with your energy, and dazzled us with your spirit.   I have been privileged to hear you sing and play your instruments, to cheer from the sidelines of your games when you show opponents what it really means to be a Horseman.  I have observed you learning with your teachers how to solve problems, conduct experiments, debate current events, craft essays, speak new languages, produce films and create images to express your deepest thoughts.  I have watched you pull together as a class to demonstrate that you care about one another, our school community, our nation and our planet.   A force to be reckoned with, you have set a high bar for those who follow.


There are so many achievements to celebrate!  There are those very public and prestigious victories such as Adam Fry’s first place win for his research on green roofs at the International Sustainable World Project Olympiad, Alex Berger’s MSG Varsity’s V Award for best original production, “Our Legend”, and Kyla Moscovich being named to All State Jazz Band.   And then there are the daily triumphs that taught you the important lessons that will serve you well throughout your adult life; this is an area where, as a class, you have truly excelled. Over and over, you have shown us how well you have learned to embrace the power of empathy and teamwork, and revel in the joy of overcoming obstacles to achieve.  You have earned a pride of belonging, of being a part of something special, our Sleepy Hollow High School family. May your successes here inspire you to spread your wings and take on the challenges that await you.  Our goal was for you to learn about yourself and the world we live in, to develop the skills you need to thrive and to explore how to make your place in it.  We send you off with confidence, knowing you will continue to make us proud.

Carol L. Conklin
Sleepy Hollow High School

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About the Author: Carol Conklin