As you stroll the streets of Sleepy Hollow and Tarrytown, you may notice the artwork of 1st and 2nd grade students of W.L. Morse School Thanks to a partnership with the Sleepy Hollow/Tarrytown Chamber of Commerce, Morse Elementary School student artwork is featured in businesses throughout the community. “I am so excited that the community can see how talented our students are, and that they feel the value of art education. I am an avid supporter of the arts and its ability to inspire children,” said Principal Torrance Walley.
JoAnne Murray of Allan Block Insurance and the Chamber of Commerce was integral in getting the Partnership started. “The businesses were happy to embrace the idea and I had the pleasure of being on Beekman Ave when the children were released from school and heard their excitement when they saw their artwork in the windows of the stores,” said Murray.
Art Teacher Jeannette Dietz shared background information on artists and the works that inspired the projects displayed throughout the Villages. Examples include Picasso Faces, Kadinsky Trees and Paul Klee Cats to name a few.
Dietz remarked, “I am thrilled that my students have this wonderful opportunity to share their artwork with the community. Displaying their artwork beyond the school grounds adds value to their work. It boosts their confidence and sense of pride in their art. It also allows students to continue the conversation about art outside the classroom.”