A group of concerned parents whose children attend the Morse Elementary School in Sleepy Hollow have approached the Mayor and Board of Trustees with concerns about safety issues during drop-off and pick-up times at the School.
River Journal asked Village Administrator, Anthony Giaccio, about the Board’s response to these concerns, and what follows are his comments.The first thing the Board has done is allocate $6,000 towards the cost of a crossing guard who is stationed directly across from the School entrance (mid-block). According to the principal of the School, this has been extremely effective.
The second thing the Board is considering is short term parking on Beekman Avenue to allow parents (or guardians) to stop and walk the child into the School. A public hearing on this has been set. The short term parking will be from 7:45am-8:15am (15-minute parking). Previously, the Village had put up additional signage and flashing lights in an effort to calm traffic.
Also being considered is the removal of a loading zone and parking space near one of the intersections to improve line of sight. This may not be necessary if the other efforts are successful. The public hearing will be on March 22. Written comments are welcome.