“How to talk to our kids about race” at Irvington High School March 3rd

Irvington Diversity FoundationThe Irvington Diversity Foundation invites all parents and members of the community to join in a meaningful conversation on how to talk to our kids about race,   Monday, March 3rd, 7-8pm in the Campus Presentation Room at Irvington High School.


Have you ever found yourself in the position of not knowing what to say to your child in response to important topics surrounding race and diversity?  Let’s find the words.

Children with adults in their life who proactively talk about race are more comfortable with the subject of race and with people of different races.  So let’s start that conversation!

Collective learning will be co-facilitated by David Peters, LMSW and Cyndi Carnaghi, LCSW both members of the Anti-Racist Alliance of Westchester.  They also serve as Undoing Racism trainers with the People’s Institute working with schools, religious and community organizations seeking to change the conversation about race.

Date: Monday, March 3rd
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Location: Irvington High School
Campus Presentation Room

(Light refreshments will be served)  

RSVP is necessary due to a limited number of participants:  RSVP to Jennifer Ruoff at Jennifer@Ruoff.US or 914-478-3730

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