High School Seniors Invited to Apply for Scholarships 

The annual Chamber golf outing, named in memory of Tommy Bertoline (left, with friend Brian Timm), raises money to fund the scholarships. (Photo: Jason Bertoline)

Applications for 2021 scholarships funded by the Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber of Commerce Foundation are now available at hvgatewaychamber.com 

The scholarship awards of $1,000 each are given to high school seniors pursuing an advanced-level education. Graduating seniors from Croton-HarmonHendrick HudsonLakelandPeekskill, Putnam Valley, and Walter Panas high schools are eligible to apply. 

“We want to encourage the next generation of business owners and community leaders by supporting their higher education goals, said Deb Milone, President, Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber of Commerce.  

Year after year, our scholarship winners are emblematic of our bright future, and as business leaders, we look forward to awarding six scholarships to deserving high school students from our region.”  

The deadline for application submission is Friday, April 23, 2021. Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.  

Recipients are selected based on academic record, leadership, extracurricular activities in school and/or community, honors, awards, or recognition, and work experience.  

Recipients of 2018 Chamber scholarships were honored in a ceremony at Cortlandt’s Hollow Brook Golf Club.

Scholarships are awarded on a non-discriminatory basis. 

The online application can be downloaded and completed from the Chamber’s website by clicking the Gateway Foundation logo on the left side of the chamber’s home page. New this year is a short online video tutorial, demonstrating how to complete the application.  

Applications also are available in each high school’s guidance office.  

The scholarships are funded from proceeds raised at the Tommy Bertoline Scholarship Golf Outing, established to support the Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber Foundation Scholarship Fund. The 2021 outing is scheduled for Sept. 20 at Hollow Brook Golf Club in Cortlandt 

The event is named after D. Bertoline & Sons executive Tommy Bertoline, a past Chamber board and golf committee member, who dedicated his life to the community and to youth sports.  

For questions >  dmilone@hvgatewaychamber.com.

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