Dows Lane Elementary School Second Grader Recognized for Being a Mask Ambassador

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kristopher Harrison presented Hanani Lubin with the Triple “C” Award. (Photo courtesy of the Irvington Union Free School District)

Dows Lane Elementary School second grader Hanani Lubin was awarded the New York State Office of the Attorney General Triple “C” Award during a ceremony at the school’s blacktop on April 16. He was recognized for his courage, character and commitment.

“Hanani has become our mask ambassador, kindly reminding students and staff to always wear a mask and stay six feet away,” Principal Dr. Andrea Kantor said. “He greets all students and staff with a huge smile and hello in the hallways and is a ray of sunshine in our school during this challenging time.”

During the ceremony, Hanani was recognized before an audience of classmates, teachers, administrators and his mother. Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kristopher Harrison presented Hanani with the award.

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About the Author: River Journal