At the Head of Their Class: Saluting Vals & Sals


(From left) Erica Fiorini (Dean of Students), Mark Maim (Croton-Harmon HS Assistant Principal), Salutatorian Hanna Ranis, Valedictorian Maddie Boglioli, Laura Dubak (CHHS Principal)

 Madelyn (Maddie) Boglioli > Valedictorian 


Captain of Varsity Soccer, Editor-in-Chief of the school paper, member of National Honor Society and Student Faculty Congress and volunteer with Croton Caring 


Hoping to study Biology, with the long-term goal of going to medical school. Maddie was recently selected for the Perry Initiative, a medical student outreach program for young women interested in careers in engineering and medicine. 

Exceptional Educators 

Croton-Harmon Schools, specifically Ms. McConville, Ms. Ballina and Ms. Glazenburg, provide an atmosphere where teachers take the time to get to know their students and provide many opportunities for students to succeed.  

Words of Wisdom  

Strive for excellence, challenge yourself and dedicate time to give back to your community. 

Hanna Ranis > Salutatorian 


Model UN, Women’s Empowerment Club, Student Activism Club, Fencing and Yoga 


Attending Bates College and hopes to study Political Science, History and Environment Studies 

Exceptional Educators 

I really appreciate how open my teachers have been to help me explore course content in meaningful ways that stretch beyond what happens in the classroom, especially Ms. Nadeem, Ms. Tracy, Mr. Bohuniek, Mr. Naughton and Mr. Lindner. Their mentorship and constant support sparked my interest in many different interdisciplinary areas and inspired me to want to be a lifelong learner. 

Words of Wisdom  

Understand the importance of contributing to the global community that each of us is a part of. I have met amazing friends and mentors through clubs and have learned firsthand the power of community outreach. 


Hen Hud’s Valedictorian Peter Kochek
Hen Hud’s Salutatorian Kayla Cohen

Peter Kochek > Valedictorian 


Future Business Leaders of America, Varsity Soccer and Varsity Baseball  


Majoring in Business Analytics at the University of Rochester and hopes to become a Business Executive 

Exceptional Educators 

An exceptional educator is able to meet students where they’re at and make the mundane seem exciting. Mrs. Jandrasits is committed to extracurricular learning through FBLA, and Mr. Lupien is determined to contextualize his history lessons for students. 

Words of Wisdom  

To any underclassmen: achieving something difficult is only worthwhile if you can enjoy it at its hardest. 

Kayla Cohen > Salutatorian 


Student Government, Varsity Soccer and Future Business Leaders of America 


Majoring in Animal Science at the University of California, Davis, and hoping to become a Veterinarian 

Exceptional Educators 

Mr. Zollner is an example of an exceptional educator, ensuring that each physics and engineering topic was thoroughly covered by several methods to accommodate different learning styles — even during the pandemic, which, in my experience, was rare. 

Words of Wisdom  

To my fellow graduates and underclassmen: be a fish in the sea. Run your course; do your thing; avoid judging others. We are all just humans trying to do our best.


Panas’s Valedictorian Sarah Chiulli

Sarah Chiulli > Valedictorian  


Captain of the Varsity Soccer, Basketball and Flag Football teams, student representative for District Youth Council and Board of Education and volunteer for the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Foundation 


Majoring in Biomedical Engineering at Tufts University  

Exceptional Educator 

I believe an exceptional educator is someone who cares about their students and works to explain concepts thoroughly while also making classes enjoyable. Mrs. Conlan and Ms. Nicholas have always been encouraging and supportive, and they have made me passionate about their teaching subjects. 

Words of Wisdom 

To my fellow graduates and underclassmen, I would say that having ambition and the work ethic to chase your dreams is crucial, but it is also important to maintain balance and enjoy life in the moment.  

Sabbia Gale-Donnelly > Salutatorian
(Information not available) 


Valedictorian Leonah Esteves (right) and Salutatorian Leysha Esteves (left) stand with Superintendent Dr. David Mauricio and Peekskill HS Principal Dr. Jenna Ferris. It is the first time in school history that the graduating class’s Valedictorian and Salutatorian are siblings

Leonah Esteves > Valedictorian 


President of the National Honor Society and Mathematics Honor Society, Vice President of the Science National Honor Society and the PHS Interact Club, Co-Vice President of the senior class, member of the Superintendent’s Youth Advisory Council, the Hudson Valley Goan Association and Assumption Church and tutor for Hillcrest Elementary School 


Attending Barnard College and hopes to later obtain a master’s at Columbia Business School to develop skin-care products for melanin-rich skin 

Exceptional Educators 

I believe an exceptional teacher is passionate about the subject they teach and nourishes a love for learning in their students. Ms. Hadi supports students in attaining professional skills, and Ms. Courtney’s classes have fostered my love for learning about the history of various groups and cultures. 

Words of Wisdom  

I want to encourage each PHS underclassman to seize every opportunity possible. Become involved in clubs, apply for scholarships, obtain college credits and take classes that foster your intellectual curiosity. In life, you have to take initiative.  

Leysha Esteves > Salutatorian 


President of the Science National Honor Society, Vice President of the National Honor Society and member of Varsity Swim, Varsity Track & Field, Concert Band, Student Orchestra, the National English Honor Society, Tri-M Music Honor Society, National Social Studies Honor Society, NYS Mathematics Honor Society, Peekskill Science Research Program, the Francisco Jiménez Chapter of La Sociedad Honoria Hispánica and the Hudson Valley Goan Association 


Majoring in Biology with a minor in Educational Studies at Barnard College and hopes to become a Pediatrician or an Educator 

Exceptional Educators 

An exceptional teacher shows empathy and respect to their students and advocates on their behalf. Ms. Hadi has helped me grow immensely as a student. I am thankful for all the support and encouragement she has given me these past few years. 

Words of Wisdom  

Have confidence in your abilities. Do not let a challenge or failure discourage you or make you feel that you are incompetent. Our challenges generate growth. Take classes that will allow you to explore potential interests, join extracurriculars and remember to make time for your loved ones. Be kind and uplift others.  

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About the Author: River Journal