Village of Ossining Appoints New Village Manager

Trustee Quantel Bazemore, Mayor Victoria Gearity, Village Manager Karen D’Attore (as of June 10, 2019), Trustee Rika Levin, Trustee Omar Herrera, and Trustee Manuel Quezada

Mayor Victoria Gearity and the Board of Trustees are pleased to announce the appointment of Karen D’Attore as Village Manager for the Village of Ossining. The Board of Trustees approved the hiring at its May 1 meeting.

In appointing D’Attore, the Board of Trustees highlighted the Ossining resident’s breadth of experience in both the public and private sectors, along with her background in affordable housing development, local government, and nonprofit management.

In her role as Village Manager, she is the Village’s Chief Administrative Officer, she will be responsible for managing a $50 million budget, 172 full-time staff members, and the day-to-day operations of Village government, which include overseeing labor relations, project management, grant programs, code enforcement, and agreements with New York State, Westchester County and the Town of Ossining.

“As we move forward on so many exciting fronts, Karen is the right person at the right time for this vital position,” said Mayor Gearity. “Throughout her distinguished career, Karen has proven herself to be a highly competent manager with the right balance of leadership, vision, and people skills–she has the ability to get the job done.”

D’Attore most recently served for four years as executive director of IFCA Housing Network, an Ossining-based nonprofit that develops and manages quality affordable housing in the region and helps people with financial self reliance programs so that they can maintain their homes. IFCA is also a pioneer in the development of transitional housing for the homeless as it now maintains 16 units through Westchester County’s Emergency Housing Apartment Program (EHAP). Through her work with IFCA, D’Attore understands the building permit process, code enforcement, Section 8 housing, and administering federal and state grant programs.

Prior to her work with IFCA, D’Attore was the director of development at Open Door Family Medical Center, a health care network that serves the needs of nearly 55,000 people each year in Westchester County by providing affordable, accessible and efficient health care and wellness programs regardless of their ability to pay for such services.

Throughout her exemplary professional tenure, D’Attore also served as a consultant to the United Nations Food Program and the Friends of the World Food Program, and for 10 years was an account director with BBDO, a global advertising firm based in New York City.

Karen is a resident of the Unincorporated Town of Ossining and currently serves on the Ossining Town Council, a position she has held since 2016. Karen will resign from her position on the Town Council as she accepts the appointment to become Village Manager. She will bring with her an in-depth knowledge of the inter-municipal partnerships between the Town and Village. Her professional relationships with Town officials will serve the people of Ossining well in her new role.

The appointment comes as the Mayor and Village Board have made affordable housing and community revitalization key priorities for the Village. It also comes soon after the Village announced its Little Big Picture Campaign, an anti-littering program aimed at cleaning up Ossining’s downtown business district and promoting economic development while tapping into the majestic backdrop of the Hudson River.

“Karen has a unique set of skills that will be a good complement to the Village’s current areas of strength,” noted Village Engineer and Acting Village Manager Paul Fraioli. “We are excited to have her on board.”

D’Attore’s two children grew up in Ossining and are graduates of the Ossining Public School District.

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About the Author: River Journal