Summer @ The Irvington Library

The Irvington Library Children’s Room will offer its annual Summer Reading Game.  The theme this year is On Your Mark, Get Set, Read! Registration for the Reading Game starts on June 16th. As well as keeping track of minutes read, children can complete fun challenges for special prizes!

There are lots of activities for children planned for this summer, so check out the website at

Young Adults can join in on the summer fun with Get in the Game, Read!  Teens can also register on June 16th, but be sure to attend the Summer Kickoff Party on Thursday, June 30th at 6 p.m.  Make time to check out the wild programs planned for teens, like a movie marathon and an After-Hours Scavenger Hunt!

Why should the kids have all the fun?  This will be the second year Irvington Library is sponsoring a Summer Reading Game for grownups.  The theme this year is Exercise Your Mind – Read!  Sign up on June 16th and receive a Bingo Board and book review forms to fill out as you read over the summer.  Complete a row on your Bingo Board and win a prize!  Every square completed will earn you a raffle ticket for the Grand Prize drawing on September 6th of a FitBit Charge.  Along the way, there will be fun programs like Beginning Yoga Stretches and a Salsa dance lesson. There will be a kitchen herb-growing workshop and an iced-tea tasting, presented by Silver Tips Tea Room, located in Tarrytown, NY.

For more information about these and other programs at the Irvington Public Library, please refer to our website:, or call the library at (914) 591-7840.  The Irvington Public Library is located at 12 South Astor St. in Irvington.


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About the Author: River Journal