Students at Pocantico Hills School celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 through October 15) with Cumbia for Kids, performers of Colombian music and dance, and Peruvian singer/storyteller Flor Bromley.
Cumbia for Kids performed songs from different regions of Colombia, including African “currulao” from the Pacific Coast region, the “joropo” of the Eastern Plains region, and the “bambuco fiestero,” the music and dance of the Andes Mountains region. Students clapped, sang along, and danced around the auditorium with the dancers.
Bromley, who grew up in Peru, sang songs that represented music styles throughout Latin America. She invited a student to play an instrument made from the jawbone of a donkey.
She told a tale of a bird that gave up its colorful feathers to help a turkey win an election. When the turkey would not return them, other birds each gave up a feather so the bird that had made the sacrifice would not be cold.