Dear Editor:
My friend, Dana Levenberg is running for NY State Assembly for District 95. Dana has a special blend of qualities that make her perfect for this role. The ingredients in that special blend are…
- Truly caring about her constituents.
- Identifying the issues that her constituents are experiencing
- Finding smart and fiscally responsible solutions to those issues
- Acting on those solutions.
This is what we used to expect from our leaders, but it is no longer what we get.
Dana’s record speaks for itself. Whether it is her commitment to green initiatives, keeping our taxes in check in Ossining, or quality of life issues that have made life in Ossining more enjoyable and more fun (Parks! Summer concerts! Food trucks!), she has proven that she knows how to get things done.
Most importantly, Dana is there! She has always been there for me and my family and she is such an important presence in our community…there with us to dance at the waterfront on a Friday night, there to secure grants to improve our infrastructure, and there to support us through COVID and other difficult challenges.
Please vote for Dana for Assembly in District 95 so that her special blend of leadership qualities can find a new home in Albany. Election day is June 28, and early voting is June 18 through June 26
Shami Arslanian
Ossining NY