YMCA Healthy Kids Day & Rotary Rubber Duck Derby 2025
April 26 @ 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
The 18th Annual YMCA Healthy Kids Day and Rotary Rubber Duck Derby will take place in Patriot’s Park from 11 am to 3 pm on Saturday, April 26, 2025, rain date on Saturday, May 3, 2025. This community-friend raiser is a great way to put some play in your day! Meet the famous Rotary Ducks and watch the rubber ducks race down Andres Stream – adopt a rubber duck or six-pack to support the Rotary!
Join the national YMCA initiative to reduce screen time and increase family fun time. There will be rides, face-painting, games, arts and crafts, music and more! This year, the Family YMCA at Tarrytown is pleased to introduce new attractions such as the Bubble Bus and Mad Science. The Y offers $10 wristbands for children (2 and up) at the Y Tent, which provides access to all rides, games, and activities. The Y Tent is conveniently located near the entrance to the park on Route 9.
Food will be available for purchase from food trucks and TTFD BBQ. Visit one of the many local businesses and community organizations, vendors and learn more about community resources.