Spotlight on Rotary of the Tarrytowns End Polio Now…


Rotary of the Tarrytowns End Polio NowThe Rotary Club of the Tarrytowns has combined two worthwhile ventures for the communities it serves and the world it represents. Rotarians of the world have united with a common cause “To End Polio Now.” Billed as the World’s Greatest Meal Rotarians invite you to join them in the week commencing on Rotary Day – February 23.

Residents are invited to celebrate with the Club, family, neighbors and friends. Every dollar donated is matched three times by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

In addition, the Rotary of the Tarrytowns is sponsoring a membership drive as well and anyone interested in becoming a Rotarian can contact its President, Alan Guarino at

Don’t forget to come and enjoy the World’s Greatest Meal at no charge and to learn about what the Rotary is doing in and for your communities. The door is open to you every Wednesday. Simply email Mr. Guarino and another place will be set at the table.

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About the Author: River Journal