Town Of Greenburgh Honors Three Outstanding Citizens

At the December 8 meeting of the Greenburgh Town Council, Supervisor Paul Feiner and the Board issued proclamations to three of our finest leaders and volunteers in the community.

Kenny Herzog Covid Angel

Kenny Herzog, of Sleepy Hollow, received honors for heading up the #VaxUpWestchester campaign, a Town of Greenburgh initiative focusing on vaccine hesitancy and access throughout lower Westchester and beyond. Herzog was instrumental in organizing the Covid Angels campaign to vaccinate our most vulnerable seniors in early 2021, and then led the wider #VUW effort it soon morphed into. Kenny’s work has resulted in thousands vaccinated throughout our region, with his efforts especially targeted to minority and lower income communities with the lowest vaccination rates. For more information on this campaign and updates on vaccines near you, visit

Lloyd Cort, a resident of Parkway Gardens in Greenburgh with his wife Gwen for 48 years, was honored by the Supervisor and Town Board just days after Cort was inducted in the top spot to the Westchester County Senior Citizens Hall of Fame. Lloyd’s decades of service to the town include his leadership and essential service on nearly every board and committee available to him, from his positions as Chairman of the Community Development Advisory Committee, Chair of the Police Community Advisory Commission, President of the Old Guard of Westchester, President of the Parkway Gardens Civic Association, and member of: the Council of Greenburgh Civic Association, Greenburgh Central School District Community Engagement Committee, Greenburgh Budget Oversight Commission, and Chatterton Hill Church, among many others. Lloyd played an important role in achieving landmark status for the home of renowned black photographer Gordon Parks, for preserving and developing local parks and open spaces, and securing a 28-seat bus for our seniors.

Finally, the Board honored another local from this year’s batch of Senior Hall of Fame inductees, Scarsdale resident and citizen activist Madelon O’Shea. A former President of the Edgemont Community Council, Madelon was also a recipient of the Silver Box Award–the most prestigious award given to a resident of Edgemont for her community involvement. Madelon is best known for her regular, vocal participation in town meetings, proving how democracy works best when there is citizen oversight of government.

A video of the night’s proclamations with responses from the honorees can be seen here:

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About the Author: River Journal