Jessica N. Santos Founation hosts 7th Annual Memorial Walk & Family Fun Day July 21st

Jessica N. Santos Foundation Family Fun DayOnce again, the Jessica N. Santos Foundation will be hosting the 7th Annual Memorial Walk and Family Fun Day. This year the event will be held on SUNDAY, JULY 21,  at WL Morse School located in the heart of the village f Sleepy Hollow, NY, from 10:00am to 4:00pm.

As always, we look forward to your participation and support to make the event a huge success and enable us to continue to provide scholarships in Jessica’s memory.

Please take a moment to RSVP by clicking one of the links below.

Pre-registration will guarantee you receive your event gift so please click on the link below to REGISTER NOW online.  It’s very simple and only takes a few minutes!!

Register Now!

Thank you again and we look forward to seeing you July 21st!.
God bless you,
Gisela Marin
The Jessica N. Santos Foundation

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About the Author: River Journal